I always remember this sentence: "Those who are near the ink are black, and those who are near the ink are black." This sentence is also very suitable for us to choose books. Because a good book can affect a person's life, so can a bad book. For us in The Beginning of Life, the first few books in life are particularly important. I love reading fairy tales and fables since I was a child, because they have the power to influence and educate our children. Among these books, my favorite is Grimm's fairy tales. In those novel, vivid and vivid fairy tales, I found another colorful and real world. My young mind understands and feels what is true, what is good, what is beautiful, what is false, what is evil and what is ugly, and looks at everything around with a childlike heart.
In the story of Grimm's fairy tales, I not only met my old friends when I was babbling: beautiful and pure Snow White, innocent and simple little red riding hood, lovely and kind Cinderella ... but also made new friends: beautiful and witty Marin, simple and kind Hans and clever little Kate Reese. I like all kinds of friends very much, pay attention to the fate of each of them, and often feel sorry for their sad ending and feel happy for everyone. I am full of love for those innocent and kind characters in the story, but full of hate for those sinister and vicious characters. In the magical and wonderful stories of Grimm's fairy tales, a couple often appear. Their love has both joys and twists and turns. When they broke up because of the destruction of the bad guys, I was sweating for them; I feel happy for them when they "have a lover, jack shall have a Jill". In a word, I care about every character in Grimm's fairy tales, and I am happy with them, sad with them, fall down with them and get up with them. The colorful storyline often makes me deeply intoxicated in the magical world of Grimm's fairy tales.
The book Grimm's Fairy Tales has given many children like me a fantastic paradise. With wonderful friends, our world has become very full and full of pure and beautiful expectations for the future. More importantly, it will purify our hearts and let us pursue our dreams with a loving heart. Grimm's fairy tales are really good books for children to read!