Praise the power of the holy spirit in poetry

It's simple. Go to the church to find some devout believers and drive the ghost out in the name of Jesus. Then you have to accept Jesus as your savior, and the devil can do nothing for you. Life experience, please believe. Pray for the light of the Holy Spirit, sincerely confess your sins and repent before the Lord Jesus, ask the Lord Jesus to forgive your sins and ask the Holy Spirit to wash them away. Accept Jesus as the savior of your life. Pray for the light of the Holy Spirit, sincerely confess your sins and repent before the Lord Jesus, ask the Lord Jesus to forgive your sins and ask the Holy Spirit to wash them away. Accept Jesus as the savior of your life. Drive out the devil in the name of Jesus. There are songs in our hymns that defeat the devil. Christian hymns bear the gift of the Lord Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. When we are afraid of weakness, poetry gives us strength and ability and makes us happy, not weakness and anxiety!