The reeds along the river are green and white, and the white dew in late autumn condenses into frost. The person I think about day and night is on the other side of the river. I went upstream to look for her, but the road was difficult and long. I looked for it along the river, and I seemed to be in the middle of the water. The reeds are lush along the river, and the early morning dew has not yet dried. The person I dream about is on the other side of the river. I went upstream to look for her, but the way was hard and difficult. I looked for it downstream along the river, and I seemed to be at the sandbar. The reeds along the river are more luxuriant, and the white dew still lingers in the early morning. The person I am pursuing so hard is on the other side of the river. I went upstream to look for him/her, but the way was difficult and tortuous. I looked for it along the river, and I seemed to be on the sandbank in the water.