Yesterday, Meng Mu chose a neighbor. In Mencius' laziness, she cut the cloth. Dou Yanshan has a righteous side. Teach Wuzi to be famous.
What is a father? A good teacher. What is a teacher? A strict missionary. It is inappropriate for children not to study. Why bother if you are young and don't learn?
The best diamonds must be cut. Unless you learn, you will become an animal. When you are a child, you have less time. Teachers or peers, please cherish them.
Xiang is nine years old and can warm the mat. Filial piety is more important than affection. At the age of four, Rong offered pears. Remember, be friendly to others.
The first filial brother, the second experience. Know a number, know an article. One and ten, ten and a hundred. Hundreds, thousands.
Three talents, heaven and earth. Three lights, sun, moon and stars. Three cardinal principles and five permanents, both monarch and minister are righteous. Father and son are close, and husband and wife are smooth.
Spring, summer, autumn and winter. These four points are not bad luck. East, west, north and south. This quartet should be in the middle.
Fire and water, wood, gold and earth. These five elements depend on numbers. Benevolence, courtesy, wisdom and faith. The five permanent members should not be confused.
Rice, millet, millet. These six valleys are eaten by people. Horses, cattle and sheep, chickens and dogs. These six kinds of animals are fed by people.
This is called anger and sadness. Love evil desires, seven emotions. -earth leather, wood, stone and gold. Use silk and bamboo, that is, eight tones.
Great grandfather, father and body. Body and son, son and grandson. Since the children and grandchildren, they have increased to the yuan. It's a family of nine, but it's Karen.
Father and son, couple from. Brothers are friends, and brothers are respectful. Young, friends, friends. You are loyal to your subjects.
These ten meanings are shared by all.
Pay attention to every training. Detailed exegesis, reading famous sentences. As a scholar, you must have a start. At the end of primary school, four books were found.
The Analects of Confucius, twenty articles. Group of disciples, remember the words well. Mencius, only seven articles. Morality, benevolence and righteousness.