1. Hotel Song Yu Classical Chinese
Song Yu was a native of Yan of Chu, so there is a Song Yu tomb in Yicheng. It started with Qu Yuan, who was exiled and asked for help from his friends in Chu. Jing Chai was afraid that he would defeat himself, so he told the king, who regarded him as a minor minister. Yu asked his friend, and the friend said: "My husband, Jiang Gui, was born because of the land, not because of the land; beautiful women are married because of a matchmaker, not because of a matchmaker. I am the one who gets an official position with my son, and the one who is unhappy with the official position is my son." "Yu said: "If Dong Guo Suan is the cunning rabbit in the world, he will travel nine hundred miles a day, and he will inevitably die at the mouth of Han Lu. However, if the hunter sees it from a distance, he will track it. It's not as good as a cunning rabbit. If you follow the traces and let them go, you will not be able to avoid them. What I said to the king is that you are far away and don't belong to me. Is it possible to follow the traces and let them go? Wang
Yu knew music and was good at writing. King Xiang was fond of music and loved poetry. He admired his talents but still hated them, just like Qu Yuan. He said: "Zi Yu followed the customs of Chu, so that the people of Chu valued the virtues of his son?" He said to him: "In the past, there were people in Chu who were good at singing, and the king heard about it? Then he said "Xia Li" and "Ba Ren", and the country was harmonious. There are thousands of people who belong to it; in the middle, they are called "Yang'a" and "Cailing", and there are hundreds of people who belong to the country; then there are hundreds of people who are called "Yangchun", "Baixue", "Asahi" and "Yuli" ③, and they belong to the country. There are no more than ten people who can be harmonious; Han Shang Tujiao ④, Juejie went to Qu, and there are no more than three people who belong to the country and are harmonious. His music is high, and his harmony is few." 2. "Comparative Reading of Song Yu Qu Yuan". "And Answers" The original text and translation of the ancient poem
Author: Song Yu Song Yu was from Yan of Chu, so there is a Song Yu Tomb in Yicheng.
It started with Qu Yuan, who was exiled and asked for help from his friends in Chu. Jing Chai was afraid that he would defeat himself, so he told the king, who regarded him as a minor minister.
Yu asked his friend, who said: "Husband Jiang Gui was born because of the land, not because of the land; beautiful women marry because of the matchmaker, but not because of the matchmaker. I am the one who got the official position because of my son-in-law. , He is the son of an official who is unhappy.
"Yu said: "If you are Dongguo Suan, you are the cunning rabbit in the world. He can travel nine hundred miles a day and die without hesitation. ②The mouth is in the hunter's ear. If you see it from a distance and point it out, even Han Lu will not be as good as a cunning rabbit; if you follow the trail and release it, even Dongguo Suan will not be able to avoid it.
What Jinzi said. I am not a follower of the king, but I am following the traces and letting him know?" The friend thanked him and replied that Wang Yu knew music and was good at writing. King Xiang liked music and loved poetry. He admired his talent but still hated it. Like Qu Yuan. He said: "Zi Yu followed the customs of Chu, so that the people of Chu valued the virtues of his son?" He said to him: "In the past, there were people in Chu who were good at singing, and the king heard about it? Then he said "Xia Li" and "Ba Ren", and the country was harmonious. There are thousands of people who belong to it; in the middle, they are called "Yang'a" and "Cailing", and there are hundreds of people who belong to the country; then there are hundreds of people who are called "Yangchun", "Baixue", "Asahi" and "Yuli" ③, and they belong to the country. There are no more than ten people who are harmonious; Han Shang Tujiao ④, Juejie went to Qu, and there are no more than three people who belong to the country and are harmonious. The music is high, and the harmony is few.
"… ...King Xiang of Chu and Song Yu traveled to the Wilderness of Yunmeng and asked Song Yu to write about Gaotang affairs. Looking at the Chaoyun Pavilion, there are clouds above; they are almost straight up, and suddenly change their appearance. In a moment, the changes are endless.
The king asked Song Yu: "Why is this so angry?" He replied: "In the past, the late king (King Huai of Chu) traveled to the Gaotang Dynasty, was idle and slept during the day, and dreamed of a woman, who was as warm as a cloud. , glowing like a star, just before it arrives, as if floating, looking at it carefully, it looks like Xi Shi.
I am the daughter of the Red Emperor, and her name is her. It is said that Yao Ji died before leaving, and was sealed in the balcony of Wushan. Her spirit is based on the grass, which is actually Ganoderma lucidum. '" (Selected from "Xiangyang Qi Jiuji" by Xi Zhizhi of Jin Dynasty) Qu Yuan's name is Ping, which is also the same surname as Chu. .
...When King Huai of Chu heard the slander, he was angry and exiled him. Qu Yuan wrote all the poems in "Li Sao" to mourn his own wounds... After Qu Yuan's death, there were disciples of Song Yu, Tang Le and Jing Chai in Chu, all of whom were good at diction and were famous for their poems.
Although Qu Yuan used his calm speech, no one dared to give direct advice. (Selected from Sima Qian's "Historical Records: Biography of Qu Yuan and Jia Sheng") Notes ① Jing Cha: Jing Cha (chā), a writer of Chu Ci and Fu during the Warring States Period.
② Dongguo Suan and Han Lu: "Warring States Policy" has a story of "Han Lu chasing Suan": in the legend, the fastest dog is called Han Lu, and the fastest and cunning rabbit is called Han Lu. Dongguo Suan (suān). One day, Han Lu chased Dongguo Suan around three mountains five times, but in the end he was too tired to move.
③"Xia Li", "Ba Ren", "Yang A", "Cai Ling", "Yang Chun", "White Snow", "Asahi" and "Yu Li": are all music names. ④Hanshang Tujiao: refers to singing skillfully and beautifully.
Shang, Jiao, ancient musical scale names. ⑤媪: zú, refers to the mountain.
5. For the explanation of the added words in the following sentences, the incorrect one is (3 points) A. Yu Rang to his friends Rang: verb, expressing apology and humility. B. Friends thank you and reply to the king. Thank you: verb, apologize, apologize.
C. Appreciate both talent and talent. Beauty: The adjective is used in a verb, meaning "take... as beauty and appreciate it". D. Named Yao Ji, she died before she could go. Xing: This means "grow up and get married".
6. Wang Yi, a famous scholar of Chu Ci in the Han Dynasty, once commented that Song Yu was "able to argue skillfully and be good at literature". The following group of supporting evidence is ① Yuan was exiled and asked for help from friends of Chu who were on a different trip ② Husband Jiang Osmanthus grows because of the land, not because of the land. ③ If it is planted quietly, even if Dongguo Suan is unavoidable, ④ Zi Yu follows the customs of Chu, so that the Chu people value the virtues of their sons? ⑤ His music is high, and his songs are few. ⑥ Both are good at diction and are famous for their poems. A. Song Yu directly inherited and continued Qu Yuan's poetry and artistic style, and made great achievements in Chu Ci, thus establishing his important position in literary history. B. Song Yu was eloquent. Faced with the perfunctory excuses about the scenery, he used the allusion of Han Lu and Zhu Suan to refute; when King Xiang of Chu persuaded him to change the style of his article, he responded with the story of "highbrow and low-key", showing that I will not change my writing style.
C. As a literary minister to the King of Chu, Song Yu had a humble official position, but he repeatedly sought for help, and later won the appreciation of the King of Chu with his superior talent. D. As a literary master of his generation, Song Yu's talent and character were not only universally praised at the time, but also highly praised by Xi Zhichi and Sima Qian.
8. Please translate the underlined sentences in the classical Chinese reading materials into modern Chinese. (10 points) (1) I am the one who gets an official position by being a good person, but I am a son who is dissatisfied with the official position.
(3 points) (2) There are less than three people in the country who belong to the country and are harmonious. (3 points) (3) Did Ziyong follow the customs of Chu and make the people of Chu appreciate the virtues of his son? (4 points). 3. Translation of You Zhonghong's classical Chinese works and answers to exercises
Translation materials for reference: You Zhonghong (1138-1215), named Zizheng, posthumously named Zhong, was born in Nanchong.
In 1175 (the second year of Chunxi reign of Emperor Xiaozong), he was awarded the title of Jinshi. Guan Jian was the chief registrant. He was favored by the chief minister Li Changtu and recommended him to Zhao Ruyu to make the secretary-general for fortification. Zhao Ruyu also thought highly of him and called him a "forgiving and knowledgeable man".
After Zhao Ruyu returned to the court to become prime minister, You Zhonghong was also recommended by Jiaozhang to join the court, and he was appointed to the Wengu Courtyard as an official. After Zhao Ruyu was beaten and left the court, he traveled back to Sichuan and was transferred to Lizhou Road to be sentenced and sentenced to some prison terms.
It can be seen that You Zhonghong’s official position in Beijing is not at the ministerial level, and in the local area he is only a road-level department official? quot; The theories of "big worship" and "participation in political affairs" are purely false. You Si (also written as a companion) (?-1252), named Jingren, nicknamed Kezhai, posthumous title Qingxian, presented to the young master.
He was diligent and studious, and studied under Liu Guangzu in 1221 (the fourteenth year of Jiading reign of Emperor Ningzong of the Song Dynasty), and became a bachelor of Dali in 1239 (the third year of Emperor Jiaxi reign of Emperor Lizong). , signed the Privy Council, and was granted the title of Bo of Nanchong County. In August of the same year (the fifth year of Chunyou), he was appointed Prime Minister You. The bachelor of Duanming Palace remained in the position of "prime minister" until his death. After he became a high-ranking official, he settled in Xinshi Town, Deqing County, Zhejiang Province, where his shrine once stood.
The political achievements of You Zhonghong and his son. Although You Zhonghong's official rank is not as high as his son's, his courage and courage are far superior to his son's.
When he was serving as the secretary of the system and doing fortifications, many people in Yibin area. Dong Man's troops invaded Jianwei and captured some Song people. Song Dynasty was preparing to send troops to attack, and You Zhonghong asked him to go alone to deal with it. After paying the horse price, the war turned into jade and silk. After being surrendered, You Zhonghong became famous and was transferred to the staff of Chengdu Commander Yang Fu.
He proposed to Yang Fu that he would be eliminated. The soldiers were forced to farm. This not only resettled the soldiers who were about to retire, reduced the people's taxes, but also utilized the abandoned land. It was really "killing three birds with one stone"
In the fourth year of Shaoxi's reign, it was Han. When his stomach rejected Neo-Confucianism and attacked Zhao Ruyu, the Prime Minister Liu Zheng, the Neo-Confucian scholar Zhu Xi, and the admonisher Huang Du all left the court.
You Zhonghong angrily went to the court and said: "When your Majesty is worried, the imperial approval comes out." Not by Zhongshu; the prime minister left Zheng the day before yesterday, but he left without courtesy; the remonstrating officer Huang Du left, but he left without Zheng; the close minister Zhu Xi left, but returned without courtesy. Since ancient times, there has never been anyone who can be smart by himself without being a prime minister, admonishing officials, or speaking to officials.
I wish to repay the evil, and don’t allow the villain to succeed and create chaos. "He dared to do this and pointed his head directly at Ning Zong and Han Wei. It is indeed beyond the reach of human beings. Since" Qing When the Party was banned in the Yuan Dynasty, he was listed as a party member and was hit. He returned to Sichuan to serve in the Xuanfu Department, and often disobeyed Wu Xi, the deputy envoy of Xuanfu.
He had returned to Nanchong when Wu Xi rebelled. Xue Fu, the official of the Xuanfu Department, also came to Nanchong, Cheng Song, the envoy of Xuanfu, and Liu Chongzhi, the chief minister, also came to Nanchong. You Zhonghong pointed to the booklet on the case that said "You died in the first month of Dingmao, the opening ceremony". Xue Fu said: I have promised my family that if the sun forces me to die, I will fill my days.
You Zhonghong also said to Xue Fu: I have written to persuade Yang Fu to fight against the thief. There is no need for me to discuss it. If Cheng Song is willing to use me to discuss it, I will use my accumulated salary to reward the troops and escort him to Chengdu.
As a result, Cheng Song left regardless. Liu Chongzhi told Liu Chongzhi how to punish thieves, but Chongzhi didn't listen.
This shows that You Zhonghong had extraordinary courage and had the above-mentioned ideas and activities.
If You Zhonghong had the power of a local official above Lu at that time, then the great contribution to defeating Wu Xi would not belong to An Bing and Yang Juyuan.
Since you were a Jinshi from Zhongzhong, your official career has been prosperous, and you have been granted the title of Duke of the Right Prime Minister without any setbacks. During this period, except for talking to Lizong about spiritual studies, discussing kingly principles, advising him to be pro-Confucian and obey his advice, to be respectful and self-disciplined, to practice moderation and love, and to select talents and principles, there were no special political achievements to speak of.
However, during Yousi's reign, it was the time when the Southern Song Dynasty was reviving, Lizong sought governance and established the status of Neo-Confucianism. Many talented people and those affected by the party ban were brought to the court, such as Fan Zhong, Zhen Dexiu, Wei Liaoweng, Zhao Kui, Yu [Wang Jie], etc., who all entered the court and took up their posts during this period. of.
Therefore, You Shi was called a righteous man in the court, and was named one of the "Four Wise Prime Ministers in Sichuan" by Yang Sheng'an in the Southern Song Dynasty. You's father and son pioneered the philosophy of human nature in Nanchong.
Neo-Confucianism originated in the Northern Song Dynasty. Zhu Xi in the Southern Song Dynasty was the master of Neo-Confucianism. He established a relatively complete system of objective idealist Neo-Confucianism philosophy. When You Zhonghong entered the court, he assisted Zhao Ruyu in making strategies and "often lectured from Zhu Xi".
As a result, You Zhonghong accepted Zhu Xi's Neo-Confucian ideas. Zhu Xi also called You Zhonghong a strange scholar in Sichuan. When Zhu Xi was expelled from the court, he wrote a letter against it and demanded that Zhu Xi be "extremely returned".
Later, You Zhonghong was listed as a "pseudo-study" and was attacked. After his death, Liu Guangzu said to his tomb: "Wow! The Qingyuan Party members visited the tomb of Gong."
"You Si's academic views were not only influenced by his father and his teacher Liu Guangzu, but also by the Neo-Confucian hero Wei Wei. Weng's influence. When Wei was an official in Tongchuan (today's Santai), he invited You Si to study Xingli.
You Si said: "In the 14th year of Jiading (1221), Yu Fang lived at home. Gongzhi went to Tongchuan County Zhai, and read the Book of Changes with friends, focusing on the old theories and discussing them.
"In this year, You Si became a Jinshi and began to serve as an official in the court. The next year, Wei Liaoweng was also summoned to the court, and their relationship became even better. In You Si's words: "I often talk about Yu".
His explanation of Wei's "if the person is outside and is convinced, it should be sent to the outside, and if the inside is within, the affection will not be close to the inside" is to "beat the knot and praise" (clap and applaud). It can be seen that You Shi was greatly influenced by Wei Liaoweng in Neo-Confucianism.
Therefore, when Emperor You Sitong discussed theory and governance, he fully embodied the heart-centered Neo-Confucianism. You Si Zai Quan and the Minister of Rites, Shi Shangshu, said: "If you want to fulfill the rites of Heaven, you should respect Heaven with all your heart. With your heart in mind, political affairs will be appropriate, your words and actions must be reasonable, and the rain will follow its order, and Yixia will be safe." His life.
"When You Si, the official minister of the Ministry of History, came to serve as a minister of Jingmen, and the emperor asked about the treatment, You Si said: "The power of one thought is enough to turn the world around,...one thought has time. If it is broken, it will be impossible to restore the general trend of the world. "You Si's discussion is to hold on to the heart and think about it as an omnipotent thing. This reflects both his Neo-Confucianism and Wei Liaoweng's subjectivity. Idealistic Neo-Confucian thought.
We know that Wei Liaoweng’s Neo-Confucianism came from Li Yi, who was a student of Zhu Xi. Zhu Xi-Li Yi-Wei Liaoweng-You Si, this line is very clear.
Therefore, the Jiaqing edition of "Nanchong County Chronicles·Waiji" says: "Nanchong You Zhonggong often received lectures from Zhu Wengong (Xi), and he had a profound understanding of human nature. So far, his reputation has been widely passed down in the county, including his father and son. "Za Shi Zhi" also said: "After Emperor Gaozong of the Song Dynasty crossed to the south, the Central Plains Documents 4. Full text
King Xiang of Chu asked Yu Song: "Mr. , introduces the objects involved in the action.
When translated into modern Chinese, this "yu" generally does not need to be translated. It is used before the predicate "you" to express inquiry, which is equivalent to modern Chinese. "probably", "possibly", "maybe", etc.
Yi Xing (-xìng): Disposable behavior, that is, bad behavior, and: Bar, what? >
Expresses a questioning tone, but also a tone of speculation and estimation. Compared with "hu", "zai", etc., the tone is slightly gentler)
He Shi is not praised by the people. What? "(Why don't so many scholars and people praise you? This is a euphemism. What it actually means is that many scholars and people are criticizing you. "He" is used at the beginning of the sentence and matches "ye" at the end of the sentence to express a rhetorical question or The tone of sighing.
Scholars, here refers to people who learn Taoism or martial arts.
Common people, praise, praise.
Very, powerful, serious) Song Yu replied: "Wei.
Ran (only: an independent sentence, indicating that you have heard clearly or agreed with the other party's words, equivalent to "yes", "um", etc. in modern Chinese. Ran: like this.
Use to replace the situation mentioned above). Yes.
May the king forgive his sins and allow Bi Qi to speak (Wish: hope. Bi: complete, end.)
""The guest who sang in Yingzhong, the beginning of it is " "Xiali" and "Ba people", there are thousands of people who belong to the country (Ke: outsiders.
Song: sing. Ying (yīng): the capital of the Chu State, in today's Jiangling, Hubei In the northwest of the county, "Xiali" and "Baren": Folk songs of the Chu State are relatively popular and low-level.
Xiali, the village. Baren refers to the people of Bashu. 国: capital, capital, (zhǔ): connect, follow and (hé): sing along.
They are "Yang'a" and "Xielu", and there are hundreds of people in the country who belong to Hehe ("Yang'a (-ē)" and "Xielu (xiè-)": two slightly advanced ones)
"Yang'a", the name of the ancient song "Xie Lu", is said to be an elegy from the eastern part of Qi State (now eastern Shandong), sung by coffins during funerals.
Dew means that human life is short, just like the dew on the leaves dries up in an instant).
They are "Yangchun" and "Baixue", and there are only dozens of people in the country who belong to Hehe. ("Yangchun", "White Snow": elegant songs of the Chu State.)
Introducing business and engraving feathers, mixed with flowing conquests, there are only a few people who belong to the country and are harmonious (Quotation: Quote. Engraving: Characterization.
Shang, Yu, and Hui: three of the five sound levels. Ancient music has five sound levels: Gong, Shang, Jiao, Zheng (zhǐ), and Yu, which are equivalent to the current simplified musical notation. 1, 2, 3, 5, 6. Mixed: mixed, mixed.
It is the high quality of music and the low quality of harmony.
Mi (mí): Yue, Yue).
"Therefore, there are phoenixes among birds and kun among fish. ".
Kun (kūn): a kind of big fish in ancient legends.).
The phoenix strikes nine thousand miles upward, cutting off the clouds, carrying the sky, and chaotic floating clouds at its feet. Soaring over Da Ming (Jue: exhaustion, poverty. Yunni: refers to the clouds and mist in the sky.
Negative: Carrying things on the back. Cangtian: Sky.
Soaring ( áoxiáng): Spread your wings and fly. Ping: The usage is equivalent to the preposition "yu", in. 杳明 (yǎo-): refers to a very far place). How can one imagine how high the heaven and the earth are with the lofty fence of the husband? .
郃 (yàn): a small bird. Qi: used before the predicate "material", together with "zai" at the end of the sentence, to express a rhetorical question.
The object of the preposition "和" is the same as "Qi", "Zai" and "Zhi" in "How can it measure the size of the river and the sea" below?
liào): Estimate, estimate.)! Kunyu went to the ruins of Kunlun in the morning, went to the Jieshi, and stayed in Mengzhu in the evening. The famous mountains in this region start from the eastern part of the Pamir Plateau, run across Xinjiang and Tibet, and extend into Qinghai in the east.
Ruin (xū): exposed. Hu (qí): Fish Ridge. Jieshi (jié-): A mountain on the edge of the Bohai Sea.
Mengzhu: The ancient name of Daze, located in the northeast of Shangqiu, Henan Province. Northwest.)
How can the salamander of Fu Chi Ze measure the size of the river and the sea (Chi Ze: a small pond as big as a foot.
Salamander (ní): small fish. Measure. : measure, measure.)
"Therefore, it is not just the bird that has the phoenix and the fish that has the kun, but the scholar also has the same (not only: not only.)! Husband, the saint's soul is wandering, and he is detached and alone. How can the worldly people know what his ministers are doing? " (Guī-qí-): outstanding thoughts, beautiful conduct.
Secular: refers to ordinary people at that time. It often means ordinary and mediocre.
An: How, where, means rhetorical question. ). 5. Li Yannian's classical Chinese translation and answers
Li Yannian's song
There is a beautiful woman in the north.
Look at the beautiful city and then look at the beautiful country.
It is better not to know that beautiful people are rare.
There was a beautiful girl in the north, who was independent of the world. She took one look at the soldiers guarding the city, and the soldiers abandoned their weapons and the wall fell;
She took one look at the emperor who ruled the world, and the emperor fell in love with her. The country is in ruins! Beautiful girls often bring disasters such as "beautiful women and beautiful women".
Even so, we cannot lose the opportunity to get a beautiful woman. Beautiful girls are rare and can never be found again!
(1) Qingcheng, Qingguo: originally refers to the fall of the country due to the lust of women, but later it is often used to describe women's extremely beautiful appearance. Tao Yuanming's "Xianqing Fu": "To express the Qingcheng." Gorgeous color, expected to be virtuous in rumors. ”
(2) Ning Zhidan: Why don’t you know?