Where is Jesus from?

Jesus is a Jew.

Jesus, the object of Christian worship. According to the Bible, the Virgin Mary was conceived by the Holy Spirit and gave birth to Jesus in Bethlehem. He began to preach and preach the gospel at the age of thirty. Later, he was accused by Caiaphas, a Jewish priest, tried by Pontius Pilate, governor of the Jewish province of Rome, and was crucified. Resurrection in three days, and then ascension. Christians believe that Jesus will come again, so that believers can have eternal life.

The Chinese transliteration of "Jesus" comes from Greek? ησου? (can be translated as Iēsous) Pronunciation translation. In Greek, "Christ" means χ ρ ι τ? (translated as Christos), this is the Greek translation of the Hebrew "Messiah" (Mā shā ah), which means "anointed".

There are many other titles and titles of Jesus Christ: Immanuel, Son of God, Son of Man, Tao, Mediator, High Priest, King, King of Kings, Lord of lords, Lamb, Bright Morning Star, Lord of David, Rabbi or Lapponi (teacher's meaning), Jesus of Nazareth and so on.

Brief introduction of Jews

Jews, also known as Jews, are a nation with a long history. They originated around 2000 BC and originated in the Middle East. The ancestors of the Jews were Hebrews, who once lived in Canaan (now Palestine). Jews believe in Judaism, which is one of the earliest religions in the world.

The history of Jews can be traced back to BC 1720. They moved to Egypt to escape the famine. In Egypt, they changed from animal husbandry to agriculture. Later, they were oppressed by the Egyptian rulers. Moses led the Jews out of Egypt and tried to return to Canaan. After Moses died, Jews entered Canaan and established the kingdom of Israel.

Jews have experienced many difficult periods in history, such as being conquered by Babylon, ruled by Greece and ruled by Rome. In 70 AD, the Roman army captured Jerusalem, and many Jews were forced into exile. Since then, Jews have lived in exile for two thousand years. During this period, Jews spread all over the world, including Europe, Asia and America.

The above contents refer to Baidu Encyclopedia-Jesus.