In the spring of the tenth year of Duke Zhuang of Lu, the Qi army attacked Lu. Duke Zhuang of Lu can fight. Cao Gui invited Duke Zhuang of Lu to see him. His compatriots said, "Those in power will plan their own wars. Why do you want to participate?" Cao Gui said: "Those in power are short-sighted and cannot have foresight." So he went to North Korea to see Duke Zhuang of Lu. Cao Gui asked, "What are you fighting for?" Duke Zhuang of Lu said, "Food, clothing and other health-preserving things, if you dare not enjoy them alone, must be given to others."
Cao Gui replied: "These small favors can't be spread to the people, and the people won't listen to you." Duke Zhuang of Lu said: "I (never) dare to falsely report the number of cattle, sheep, jade and silk sacrificed to the gods. I must keep my word." Cao Gui said, "This is only a small contribution. If you can't convince the gods, God will not bless you. "
Lv Zhuanggong said: "Although we can't understand all the cases clearly, we must handle them reasonably." Cao Gui replied, "This is the only thing we can do. We can fight a war under this condition. If you fight, please allow me to go with you. "
Duke Zhuang of Lu and he * * * sat in a chariot and fought the Qi army in the ladle. Duke Zhuang of Lu will order drums to advance. Cao Gui said, "Not now." Wait until the Qi army drums three times. Cao Gui said, "You can beat the drums." The Qi army was defeated. Duke Zhuang of Lu wants to order horses to chase the Qi army. Cao Gui said, "Not yet." Say that finish, I looked down at the trace of Qi's wheels, boarded the chariot, propped up the crossbar in front of the car and looked at the formation of Qi. I just said, "We can pursue it." So I chased the Qi army.
After defeating the Qi army, Duke Zhuang of Lu asked him why he did it.
Cao Gui replied, "Fighting depends on courage and fearlessness. Playing drums for the first time can boost morale. After the second drum beat, the morale of soldiers began to decline, and after the third drum beat, they were even more exhausted. Their morale was gone, and our army was full of morale, so we defeated them. In a big country like Qi, it is difficult to speculate on their situation, for fear that they will set an ambush. I saw the traces of their wheels scattered and the flags fell, so I decided to chase them. "
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The article tells the comments on this war in The Battle of the Long Spoon, and the historical fact that he repelled the powerful Qi army with the principle of "gathering, losing and exhausting" in wartime. The language of the article, whether narrative or dialogue between characters, is extremely concise, expressive, logical and easy to understand. There are scattered sentences, parallelism and even broken sentences in the writing, which enhances the vivid effect of the narrator.
Among them, Cao Gui's language is particularly wonderful, such as the command language on the battlefield, which is short and clear, which not only shows that the war is urgent and there is no time to analyze the tactics, but also shows Cao Gui's quick thinking, firm and confident mentality when facing the war.