Shui's self-report
(2005-05-12 11:14:01)
Hello everyone, my name is Shui. My brothers and sisters can be found in streams, rivers, and oceans across the country. We are the simplest hydroxide compound, colorless and odorless. We are liquid at room temperature, freeze at 0°C, boil at 100°C, and have the highest density at 4°C.
Our uses are great, we can turn into countless raindrops falling from the sky, irrigating crops and moistening farmland. Without us, crops and farmland would dry up, let alone humans. Human life cannot be separated from us, and our existence brings convenience to human life. We can do many things for humans: wash vegetables, wash hands, cook... The same goes for animals and plants. We give them enough "energy" every day. So any living thing cannot do without our water family.
With the development of technology, we are made into ink, drinks, popsicles and other products. Now we are using our water resources to generate electricity. For example, the Three Gorges Dam is a grand project that uses us to generate electricity. So our uses are getting bigger and bigger. While we, the water family, have done so much for humanity, some are killing our brothers and sisters. Along the Yangtze River, factories discharge waste gas and sewage generated during the production process directly into the Yangtze River; humans also often throw garbage into the river, making our appearance dirty. Not only that, some people don’t turn off the tap after we’re done using it, causing us to waste a lot of food. Because humans destroy the environment and resources, they are punished by nature. Raging floods destroyed houses, and ruthless tsunamis seriously threatened human life. In fact, it is not that our water family is ruthless, but it is caused by human destruction. So there is nothing you can do to blame us.
We long to be friends with humans, and we also long for humans to protect us. This is not only for us, but also for the better life of mankind.
Shui's self-report
(2005-05-12 11:14:01)
Hello everyone, my name is Shui. My brothers and sisters can be found in streams, rivers, and oceans across the country. We are the simplest hydroxide compound, colorless and odorless. We are liquid at room temperature, freeze at 0°C, boil at 100°C, and have the highest density at 4°C.
We are very useful. We can turn into countless raindrops falling from the sky to irrigate crops and moisten farmland. Without us, crops and farmland would dry up, let alone humans. Human life cannot be separated from us, and our existence brings convenience to human life. We can do many things for humans: wash vegetables, wash hands, cook... The same goes for animals and plants. We give them enough "energy" every day. So any living thing cannot do without our water family.
With the development of technology, we are made into ink, drinks, popsicles and other products. Now we are using our water resources to generate electricity. For example, the Three Gorges Dam is a grand project that uses us to generate electricity. So our uses are getting bigger and bigger. While we, the water family, have done so much for humanity, some are killing our brothers and sisters. Along the Yangtze River, factories discharge waste gas and sewage generated during the production process directly into the Yangtze River; humans also often throw garbage into the river, making our appearance dirty. Not only that, some people don’t turn off the tap after we’re done using it, causing us to waste a lot of food. Because humans destroy the environment and resources, they are punished by nature. Raging floods destroyed houses, and ruthless tsunamis seriously threatened human life. In fact, it is not that our water family is ruthless, but it is caused by human destruction. So there is nothing you can do to blame us.
We long to be friends with humans, and we also long for humans to protect us. This is not only for us, but also for the better life of mankind.
Water is the most widely distributed substance on earth. It can be said that water is home everywhere. So how much water is there on the earth? Some people roughly estimate that the amount of water on the entire earth, including water in the air, on the ground, and underground, totals nearly 1.38 billion cubic kilometers. But it is a pity that 98% of this water is salt water, and fresh water only accounts for 2% of the total water on the earth.
Water is colorless and transparent. Some people say that water is white. If you think so, you are wrong. Just compare water with milk and you will understand that milk is white and water has no color. You can also insert a chopstick into the milk and we won't see it. Then insert a chopstick into the clear water. We can see the inserted chopstick through the clear water. Water is also odorless and tasteless. Just smell and taste the soju and water separately to prove it correctly. Soju has the smell and taste of wine, but water has no smell or taste at all. Water is still invisible. If you pour the water into a cup, it will be a cylinder. If you pour it into a box, it will be a square. Doesn't it mean it has no claim? No, it adapts to circumstances.
Therefore, under normal circumstances, water is colorless, odorless, tasteless and invisible.
But this does not mean that water will always be the same. Look at the sea and lakes, aren't they just blue and green? This is due to the effect of sunlight.
The longer light waves of red, orange and yellow light in sunlight are absorbed by water at different depths. Blue light, purple light and some green light have shorter wavelengths and are scattered or reflected back when they encounter the water surface. So the lake is blue and green. The deeper the water, the more blue and purple light is scattered and reflected, making it appear blue.
Water is an important component of the human body, accounting for approximately 60-70% of an adult's body weight. Blood contains more than 90% water, so losing a lot of water can lead to death. After we eat, we need water to help us in all aspects of swallowing, digestion, transporting nutrients, and even excreting waste. Water lubricates joints, prevents eyeballs from drying out, and helps digestion with saliva and gastric juices. Water can also regulate body temperature and remove excessive heat from the body through perspiration. Drinking more water can also reduce calcium levels in the urine, which can lead to stones.
However, the development process of water resources in northern my country has exceeded 50%, resulting in the drying up of rivers and shrinking lakes; excessive discharge of sewage in the southern water network area has caused water pollution; a large amount of ecological water has been squeezed out in the arid areas of the northwest, and the trend of desertification is spreading. ; The southwest mountainous area has steep slopes, high fields and low water, making water resources development and utilization projects arduous. On the whole, our country has fallen into a water resources crisis. This is why we call for cherishing water resources.