Psalm 77: 2 "I sought the Lord in the day of trouble;" I kept raising my hands and praying at night; My heart refuses to be comforted. 」
Psalm 77: 3 "When I miss God, I am restless;": I meditate on my sadness and feel a dull pain in my heart. Sila. "
"Asa" (section 1) may be a descendant of Asa, one of David's choir leaders, or a choir named after him.
God is our closest relative (15), so when we "cry" to God (1), "He will listen to me" (1). In great pain (1-9), the poet was comforted by decomposing God's past behavior (10-20). This article may have been written during the exile in Babylon or Habakkuk (Ha 3: 8- 15).
"Raise your hand to pray" (section 2) was originally "raise your hand", which was used to describe the action of lifting a pot of water to your chest and then dumping it. Here is a metaphor for putting your hand on your chest and praying.
"My heart refused to be comforted" (v.2) implies that Jacob was sad for Yue Se and refused to be comforted (Gen.37: 35). Jacob refused to be comforted because he loved Yue Se. Because of his love for God, the poet refused to accept the fact that God was silent to him (vv. 7-9).
Section 1- 10 is full of "I" (10), so the poet is "fidgety, brooding, sad and confused" (section 3); Section 1 1-20 is full of "you". When the poet turned his eyes from himself and his environment to God, he came out of the difficult environment.
Psalm 77: 4 "You keep me from closing my eyes; I'm so sad that I can't even speak. 」
Psalm 77: 5 "I remember the days of old, the years of old. 」
Psalm 77: 6 "I remember my songs at night and ask myself;" I also carefully examine it in my mind. 」
Psalm 77: 7 "Will the Lord forsake me forever and will no longer be kind to me? 」
Psalm 77: 8 "His lovingkindness will end forever, will his promise be abandoned forever?"? 」
Psalm 77: 9 "Did God forget to show mercy and stop showing mercy because of his anger?"? Sila. "
When the poet is restless and insomnia, he "remembers the old days, the ancient years" (v. 5). His thoughts have been puzzling God's people since ancient times: Is it because God has changed? (section 7-9)?
"I remember my songs at night" (section 6) can also be translated as "I remember my songs at night", which may mean "I remember the songs of that year at night".
"Ask yourself" (verse 6) literally means "My heart is meditating". "My mind is also cautious" (v. 6), which literally means "My mind is also cautious".
When God seems to be silent to us, it is actually for us to calm down and "ask ourselves", "examine carefully" with the spirit and listen to God's answer to his flock (about 10: 27):
"Will the Lord forsake me forever and have no more pity on me" (v. 7)? God's answer is: "Has God rejected his people? Absolutely not "(Luo 1)!
"Will his kindness end forever? Will his promise be abandoned forever? God's answer is: "the love of the Lord belongs to those who fear him, from everlasting to everlasting;" His righteousness also belongs to his children and grandchildren "(103 17).
"Did God forget his mercy in anger and stop his mercy" (v. 9)? God's answer is: "The Lord, the Lord, is a compassionate and gracious God, not easily angry, but rich in love and honesty" (for example. 34: 6).
Psalm 77 10 "I said, this is my weakness, but I will remember when the most high showed his right hand." 」
Psalm 77 1 1 "I want to talk about what the Lord has done; I will remember your ancient miracle. 」
Psalm 77 12 "I will also think about your management and meditate on your actions. 」
Psalm 77 13 "God, your works are clean; What god is as big as god? 」
Psalm 77 14 "You are a god who does wonders; You have shown your power among the nations. 」
Psalm 77 15 "You redeemed your people with your arm, the descendants of Jacob and Yue Se. Sila. "
"I also want to consider your business" (section 12), literally translated as "I also want to consider all your work" (English ESV, NSAB translation). We are all "works" of God. 2: 10), and nothing happens by accident to the children of God.
"Your work is clean" (section 13), literally translated as "your ways and methods are clean" (English ESV, NSAB translation).
"What God is as big as God" (section 13) is quoted from Moses' song "Who is like you in God" (for example. 15: 1 1). Sections 13- 14 are all songs in response to Moses' victory in the Red Sea (Exodus 15: 1 1,
"Children of Jacob and Yue Se" (section 15) refers to all Israelis. It is only in the Bible that "Jacob and Yue Se" are used to represent the ancestors of the Israelites, which not only echoes the allusion that "my heart refuses to be comforted" (section 2), but also because "Jacob and Yue Se" both ordered their children to leave Egypt and return to the resting place promised by God (Gen. 47: 29-30; 50 24-25)。
Section 10- 13 is the turning point of the whole poem, which is the transition from "I" (10) to "you" (1 1). When the poet admitted his cowardice (10) and remembered that the Most High showed his right hand (10), the Holy Spirit turned his eyes from himself to God (10- 15). Similarly, when we are in spiritual darkness, we should not look inward and indulge in our own problems (v. 6-9), but look up and let the Holy Spirit lead us out of "confusion" (v. 4).
Psalm 77: 16 "God, when the waters see you, they are all dismayed;" The abyss is also shaking. 」
Psalm 77 17 "Water gushed from the clouds; The sky makes sounds; Your arrows fly everywhere, too. 」
Psalm 77 18 "Your thunder is in the whirlwind; Electric lights illuminate the world; The earth trembled and shook. 」
Psalm 77 19 "Your words are in the sea; Your road is in the flood; No one knows your steps. 」
Psalm 77: 20 "You led your people like a flock by the hands of Moses and Aaron. 」
Remember God's ability to lead his people across the Red Sea. Water area (16), sea (19) and flood (19) all refer to the Red Sea. "Arrow" (section 17) refers to lightning.
When the Israelites passed through the Red Sea, it was not the people who were "seen" and "frightened" by the water (verse 16), but the God who walked among the people. So don't think you are strong, because "in me, in me, there is no goodness" (Luo. 7: 18); Let's not sell ourselves short, because your inner self is greater than that in the world? (about 4 4).
"Your words are in the sea; Your road is in the flood (section 19), which describes that God led the people across the Red Sea in the impossible (for example. 14: 22).
"No one knows your steps" (section 19) means that after God calmed the Red Sea, no one can know how he accomplished this impossible miracle.
God is an eternal god (10227), and he will always be our shepherd. God once led people across the Red Sea in the impossible. Today, he will show us love and grace in the impossible. 7-9). He used to "guide his people by the hands of Moses and Aaron" (v. 20), and today he sends his only son as our "good shepherd" (about11), "to make the sheep live more abundantly" (about/kloc-0) God's "footprints are unknown" (section 19), and his salvation grace, ability and actions are far beyond the understanding of human wisdom. Once we know this, the poet will no longer lose sleep because of the change of thinking, but rest under the guidance of God.
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