Hu Feng blows instead of horses, and guards Luyangguan in the north. Wu Bing took a photo of Hai Xue and asked when it would come back. Halfway through Liao and Jin, Huang Yun was in great pain. The old mother and son left without saying goodbye and cried among the weeds. The white horse is surrounded by flags and mourns to climb high. The autumn moon of poplars is bitter, but Zhang Yu falls early. I'm from Ming Xiu, and I haven't been idle while cutting Lu Su.
Bian Qin Yue's "November Qing Kuang Lu"
There were moons in the Qin dynasty, and the past dynasties took pictures of the border States. It is a waste of time to stop smoking, and it is cold.
Guanshan and tears, love and homesickness. It is difficult to send a plum flower to the faucet.
"Brother Zhan sends nine songs to the wall" Qing: Kuang Lu
Tianma should be a star, and gold should be a tiger and leopard. Aochuncao is short and peach blossoms are new.
The hole freezes the Great Wall snow, and the hoof wears the desert dust. Cross the river after many battles and return the success to others.
Treatise on Febrile Diseases Tang Du Fu
Our army's youth class is at the east gate, and we drink horses in Taibai Cave in cold weather. Yellow-headed Xi 'er travels westward every day. He dares to gallop with a bow. The ice field of the mountain snow river is bleak, and the green is the beacon smoke and bones. How can I attach a book to our army? Don't be hasty until next year.
Tang Wang Jian crossed the Liao Dynasty.
From Xianyang, this trip to Liaohe River is five thousand miles away. If you don't go out, your parents know that this trip will be across the sea, and it will be difficult to meet again in this life. When I came, my parents knew that they were separated and dying in heavy clothes. A traveler died and returned to Xianyang. The chief military officer asked the emperor to make the martyr's own hometown. Thinking that I am poor, I can't come back when my body reaches the date. I am infinitely sad and I am stationed at the Liaohe River at a loss.
"Ancient Meaning" Tang Liqi
Ladies and gentlemen, when the country is heavy and the military expedition, it's your turn to gallop at an early age. I often compete with others at once, and I never cherish my seven feet. To fight bravely, no one dares to come forward to recruit; He has a dignified look and a beard as lush as a hedgehog. There are yellow sand and white clouds in summer, so you can't be polite without reporting to the court. A young woman in Liaodong, 15 years old, can play the pipa, sing and dance. Today, with the music of Qiangdi playing, all the soldiers were moved to tears.