Liu Jingan's widow, Liu Jieer, learned that Xuan Wang didn't believe in good words and loved rare birds because of her father's injustice. She domesticated Ying Ge, a spirit bird, and went to Beijing with the White Tooth Messenger to present a spirit bird and a cool treasure lamp. Wang Xuan tried treasures in Yaotai, but Ying Ge's treasure lamp could distinguish faithfulness from treachery, which made Mei's father Meilun extremely embarrassed. Mei Fei came to the harem at night, broke the treasure lamp and strangled Ying Ge. After opposing Sue's false accusation, Wang Xuan took one side and ordered Sue to be brought to the court for interrogation, which shocked the audience.
The Pangers in Nakazawa Tomohide were executed for injustice after the collapse of the Soviet Union. When I was mourning for the portrait, I suddenly realized that the faces of Su Hou and Mrs. Pan were cold, so I decided that Mrs. Pan wanted to steal the life of Su Hou's descendants. At this time, Mei Fei's cousin Mei Baiping helped escort Queen Su to the border.
Brother Pan's second son was sad and rude because of his mother's tragic death. Mellen found that Mrs Pan had been distorted by mistake, so he ordered Hu Mei to go after Sue. In Yangshan Pass, although Wang Liang, the garrison commander, was the general of Belle's family, he understood the important principle, but helped the Soviet Union capture Hu Mei and enter Beijing to deal with Meilun. Mellen thought that Queen Su was dead, put Pango in prison and forced Zhou Xuanwang to abdicate. Zhou Xuanwang contrite unceasingly, fortunately, Wang Liang secretly help, wrote a blood letter. Liu sent his son to the border. After Su joined her father Su Jing, she began to return to North Korea to eliminate rape.
Zhou Xuanwang suffered a lot, and it returned to the motherland after Lai Su. In addition, Queen Su gave birth to a prince at the border, which was due to Xiu De's diligence and eventually led to peace.