Those who are good at translation come quickly ~ ~

Nostalgia is the periodic theme of China's poems. American resder may pour out canned translations of China's poems, average them by frequency, be sentimental and lament his hometown. In order to understand this emotional force, we need to know that China's desire for stability and roots is caused by constant threats of war, exile and natural disasters such as floods and droughts. The forced relocation made the people of China keenly aware of their loss. On the contrary, the United States is largely voluntary. Their nostalgia for their hometown is really longing for their childhood: the future is calling, and the future is "there" at the same time, in the open air. When we criticize the rootlessness of the United States, we often forget that it is the result of our worship of ideals, namely social mobility and optimism about the future. When we admire China's deep roots, we forget that the word "place" means a place in space, which is placed in society: it is anchored and must be full of hope for someone's residence in life. Space symbolizes hope; Place, achievement, stability.