Zhou Yu in history was broad-minded and magnanimous. The veteran Cheng Pu was dissatisfied with Zhou Yu because he was young but his status was higher than his own. He insulted him many times in person, but Zhou Yu didn't care about him. Cheng Pu was finally impressed by Zhou Yu's talent and moral character and was so moved that he said: "Befriend Zhou Gongjin." "If you drink wine, you will get drunk without realizing it." He became a good friend. The narrow-minded Zhou Yu described in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is a supporting character image deliberately created by Luo Guanzhong to set off Zhuge Liang. It is an artistic treatment and should not be taken seriously; of course, "Three Qi Zhou Yu" has no historical basis. Zhou Yu finally died of illness during the expedition. . Zhou Yu was proficient in melody and had a high sense of elegance. Even when he was drunk, he could hear the fallacies in the music. Therefore, historical records recorded folk songs: "If the music is wrong, Zhou Lang will take care of it."