The horse was lost because of the lack of a shoe.
The rider got lost because of the lack of a horse.
The battle failed because of the lack of riders.
Because of the lack of a battle, the kingdom was lost,
"Lost a nail, lost a horseshoe nail; Lost a horseshoe nail and folded a war horse; Fold a horse and lose a king; Lost a king, also lost a war; Lost a war and lost an empire. " This is a famous English folk song, and the story mentioned in it really happened in history.
1485, King Richard of England faced an important war, which was related to the life and death of the country. Before the battle began, the king asked the groom to prepare his favorite war horse. The groom immediately found the blacksmith and asked him to nail a horseshoe on the horseshoe at once. The blacksmith nailed three horseshoes first. When he nailed the fourth one, he found that there was still a nail missing, and the horseshoe was not strong enough. The groom reported it to the king. Seeing that the battle was about to begin, the king didn't care about the fourth horseshoe nail at all. He hurried to the battlefield.
On the battlefield, the king took his horse and led his soldiers to the front. Suddenly, a horseshoe fell, the horse fell back to the ground, and the king was thrown out heavily. The frightened horse jumped up and ran away before he grabbed the reins again. As soon as the king fell, the soldiers fled for their lives. The whole army fell apart in an instant. The enemy took the opportunity to fight back and captured the king. Only then did the king realize the importance of that nail. This is the battle of Bosworth. Richard III lost the whole of England in this battle.