Retreat: During the Spring and Autumn Period, there was civil strife in Jin, and Chong'er, the son of Duke Xian of Jin, fled to Chu. King Cheng of Chu took him in and entertained him. He promised that if there was a war between Jin and Chu, the Jin army would retreat three houses (a house is thirty miles away). Later, Chong'er returned to power in Jin with the help of Duke Mu of Qin. The Jin State supported the Song State and had a conflict with the Chu State. The two armies met in Chengpu. Chong'er retreated and lured the enemy deep into the army and won a great victory.
A blockbuster: According to legend, King Zhuang of Chu (also known as King Wei of Qi) lived in pleasure all the time for three years and ignored government affairs. A minister said to King Zhuang: "I heard that there is a big bird in the country. It has not flown or sounded for three years. What's going on?" King Zhuang said: "This bird is fine if it doesn't fly. It soars into the sky; no. The song was enough, and it was a blockbuster." Then he reorganized the government, enriched the country and strengthened the army, and formed a great governance situation in just a few years.
Sleeping on fuel and tasting courage: During the Spring and Autumn Period, King Wu Fu Chai defeated and captured King Gou Jian of Yue. Gou Jian fed Fu Chai's horses for three years and was tortured. After returning home, he determined to revenge and restore the country. He asked Fan Li to help train the army and appointed talented people. He participated in the labor himself and insisted on sleeping on firewood. After tasting a piece of gall, he finally destroyed Wu.
An old horse knows the way: During the Spring and Autumn Period, Duke Huan of Qi led troops to defeat the invasion of Shanrong State at the request of Yan State; King Milu of Shanrong State fled to Guzhu State to ask for reinforcements, and Guan Zhong followed Duke Huan of Qi and defeated them. Reinforcements from Lone Bamboo Country. On the way back home, the Qi army was stranded because of a false guide leading them into a mysterious valley. Guan Zhong suggested using an old horse to lead the way and averted the danger.
Plea for apology: During the Warring States Period, there were two important ministers in the Zhao State, Lian Po and Lin Xiangru. Because Lin Xiangru had made many meritorious deeds, the King of Zhao named him Prime Minister. Lian Po was not convinced and thought that his martial arts skills outweighed his reputation. . Lin Xiangru avoided Lian Po many times for the sake of the country. Lian Po was so ashamed after learning of his good intentions that he carried a thorn stick and went to Lin Xiangru's house to plead guilty. From then on, the two reconciled and became a life-or-death friendship.
Talking about war on paper: During the Warring States Period, Zhao Kuo, the son of the famous Warring States general Zhao She, was well-educated in military books and could talk about military tactics. Even his father could not beat him, and he thought he was invincible. Zhao She thought he was just talking on paper and didn't know how to communicate. Later, Zhao She died, and Zhao Kuo replaced Lian Po to lead the army. Lin Xiangru and others strongly opposed it, but King Zhao insisted. Zhao Kuo lost 400,000 troops in the Battle of Changping.
Three orders and five orders: Sun Wu lived in Wu. The king of Wu wanted to test Sun Wu's military talents, so he gave 180 young palace maids to Sun Wu for training. Sun Wu divided the maids into two teams and made King Wu's favorite concubine the captain. Sun Wu gave the order to the palace maids and then beat the drum to deliver the order. The palace maids burst into laughter and the team became chaotic. Sun Wu issued an order again, but the maids only thought it was fun and did not obey the order at all. Sun Wu said that it was the leader's crime to disobey the order even though he understood it, and ordered the two captains to be executed. King Wu hurriedly sent an order not to kill the princesses, but Sun Wu still killed the two princesses. Then, Sun Wu trained the palace maids again, and this time no one dared to disobey orders.
Hufu riding and shooting: During the Warring States Period, King Wu Ling of Zhao State was determined to change and become stronger. King Wuling saw that the Hu people (minorities) wore casual clothes with narrow sleeves and short coats, rode war horses, and shot arrows while running. They were fast and very flexible, so he decided to learn from the Hu people, reform the soldiers' clothing, and develop cavalry. In less than a year, Zhao State had a powerful cavalry. After fighting in the south and north, Zhao State became one of the few powerful countries at that time.
Stealing talismans to save Zhao: During the Warring States Period, Qin sent troops to besiege Handan, the capital of Zhao. Zhao asked Wei for help, and Wei sent troops to rescue Zhao. When Qin heard about Wei sending troops to rescue Zhao, he sent people to Wei to threaten King Wei. King Wei surrendered to Qin and ordered the Wei soldiers who went to rescue Zhao to stand still. King Zhao wrote to the prince of Wei, Lord Xinling, asking for help. Lord Xinling once avenged the murder of his father by Ru Ji, the favorite concubine of King Wei. Lord Xinling asked Ru Ji to steal the military talisman from King Wei, thus seizing military power. He led tens of thousands of elite soldiers to Handan and defeated Qin. The army lifted the siege of Handan.
Zhuan Zhu kills King Liao of Wu
During the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a power struggle within the Wu state. Prince Guang (later King Helu of Wu) hired Zhuanzhu to assassinate his rival for the throne, King Liao of Wu. It is said that on the day of the incident, Prince Guang hosted a banquet for King Liao and secretly ambush the armored soldiers indoors.
King Liao had also taken precautions and ordered soldiers to be stationed along the way. His trusted followers were also deployed on the left and right sides of the doors, windows and steps. The guards standing along the road were all holding long berylliums. When he was drunk and his ears were hot, Prince Guang pretended to be ill and retreated into the inner room. At this time, Zhuanzhu made his debut! He gave full play to his imagination and subjective initiative, creatively hiding the dagger in the belly of the fish, and pretending to serve King Liao a dish. When he came to Wang Liao, he said it was too late and then it was faster! Zhuan Zhu suddenly tore open the belly of the fish, took out a dagger and stabbed Wang Liao! Wang Liao was killed on the spot. Unfortunately, Zhuanzhu was also killed by the guards immediately. Prince Guang took advantage of the fact that the enemy was leaderless and quickly ambushed the soldiers to attack King Liao's attendants and kill them all. In order to express his gratitude to Zhuan Zhu, King Wu Helu conferred the title of Shangqing on Zhuan Zhu's son. ---This incident changed the situation of the state of Wu. The young master Guangxiong had a great strategy and appointed Sun Wu, Wu Zixu and others to govern the state of Wu in an orderly manner. The later struggle between Wu and Yue for hegemony was also caused to a certain extent by Zhuan Zhu's killing of King Liao of Wu. [Fu Chai is the son of Young Master Guang]. Zhuan Zhu's assassination of King Liao of Wu was a very high-level assassination, innovative and earth-shattering. Zhuan Zhu should be awarded "Best Creative Assassin".
Jing Ke assassinated the King of Qin
Jing Ke is famous, don’t tell me you don’t know his story. "The wind is blowing, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return once he is gone" has become a masterpiece to this day. Although Jing Ke's assassination ended in failure, its impact on history was huge. Jing Ke's assassination of King Qin accelerated the demise of the Six Kingdoms and inspired people's courage to resist tyranny. Jing Ke has been praised by people for generations, and is known to both women and children. He is the most famous assassin in history. His story is also a popular subject in literature, TV series, and movies, and is loved by everyone. It is recommended that Comrade Yu Jing Ke be awarded the "Most Famous Assassin Award".
Nie Zheng removed the Prime Minister of Han
His name is mentioned in "The Biography of Assassins". Nie Zheng was originally a butcher, and being a knight was just a hobby. However, Nie Zheng was born to be an assassin. After a small show of his skills, he became famous in the world, and there was an endless stream of customers who came to contact him for business. One day, the Korean aristocrat Yan Zhongzi came to him with gold and sincerity, asking him to get rid of the Korean Prime Minister Xia Lei. Nie Zheng politely thanked him. Yan Zhongzi was displeased: "Are you trying to be a big star?" Zheng said: "No, it's just because my mother is still alive and my sister is not married, so I can't die." Soon, Nie Zheng's mother passed away, and Yan Zhongzi came to pay his respects and take care of the relationship between his parents and his children. present. Nie Zheng was deeply moved. After giving his mother a grand burial, Nie Zheng quickly married off his sister and followed Zhongzi to assassinate Xia Lei. Once the hero takes action, it is indeed extraordinary. As the prime minister, Xia Lei had dozens of guards. However, Nie Zheng, a highly skilled martial artist, calmly attacked him from outside the Prime Minister's Office into the hall. He was stabbed to the core with a sword. Only then did the guards surround him. Seeing that he could not escape, Nie Zheng decided to commit suicide with his sword. Before dying, he used a long sword to dig out his eyes and cut his face into a pile of flesh. The hero has only one purpose in doing this: to prevent people from recognizing him, so as not to implicate his dear and miserable sister! In order to know who the assassin was, the South Korean government posted a notice offering a reward of one thousand taels to anyone who could identify the body. After Nie Zheng's sister Nie Rong heard about it, she concluded that it was her brother who did it. She desperately came to Nie Zheng's body and cried loudly. The official asked her, aren't you afraid of being implicated? Nie Rong said: "The reason why my brother did this is to prevent you from recognizing him, so as to protect me. But in this way, won't his reputation be buried? How can I let the brave man do this just to protect myself?" My brother died in obscurity?" After that, Nie Rong screamed three times and died next to his brother. It seems that the "most shocking assassin" is none other than Nie Zheng.
〖Article source copyright Spring and Autumn and Warring States Military Network JFrS5e〗
Zhu Hai hammers Jinbi
Do you still remember the "Biography of Wei Gongzi Xinlingjun" in the Chinese textbook? ? Zhu Hai was a strange man in that biography, a bit mysterious and unpredictable, hiding in the market and killing pigs as a profession. In 257 BC, the King of Qin sent a large army to besiege the State of Zhao. The State of Zhao was in danger, so he sent a messenger to the State of Wei to ask for help. The State of Wei sent Jin Bi with an army of 100,000 to reinforce. After King Qin knew the news, he began to threaten King Wei. The king of Wei was frightened, and Jin Bi, who was in a hurry to reach the halfway point, stopped moving forward. Lord Xinling knew very well the truth of the situation. He urged the King of Wei several times to insist on sending troops to rescue Zhao, but the King of Wei refused to do anything.
Lord Xinling did not want to sit still and wait for death, so he raised his own carriages and horses and took his retainers to aid Zhao. When passing the city gate, Hou Ying [a native of Wei during the Warring States Period. He was originally a guard guarding the city gate, but he was not treated as an honored guest by Lord Xinling until he was seventy years old. He stopped him and gave him instructions: "Master, please do not act recklessly. I have a clever plan." Lord Xinling followed his plan and stole the Tiger Talisman from King Wei's concubine, and took Zhu Hai to Jin Bi to seize military power. Comrade Zhu Hai hammered Jin Bi to death on the spot for not obeying his orders. So Lord Xinling successfully seized the military power, commanded the army to rescue Zhao, and finally repelled the Qin army and saved Zhao. I suspect that "The Legend of Big Hammer" was written by this Zhu Lishi. Later, Zhang Zifang didn't know whether he was inspired by Zhu Hai's hammering of Jin Bi, and he also asked someone to hammer the first emperor. Unfortunately, it was a big mistake, otherwise history would be rewritten again. Zhu Lishi is sure to hit the target with every strike, and his weapons are unique and he can be described as "the most skilled".
Three families are divided into Jin
Never forget the past and be the guide for the future: According to "Warring States Policy·Zhao Ceyi", at the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, the power of the Jin State fell to Zhi and Zhao In the hands of the four Qings of Wei, Han, and Wei, Jin Dinggong actually became a puppet (kuǐ lěi). In 458 BC (the Warring States period), Duke Dinggong of Jin sent an envoy to request Qi and Lu to send troops to attack the four ministers. After the four ministers got the news, they jointly sent troops to attack Jin Dinggong. Duke Dinggong was unable to resist, so he was forced to flee, and died of illness on the road.
After the death of Duke Ding, Ji Jiao of the clan was established as the king, and was known as Duke Ai of Jin in history. Zhiqing Zhibo took over the power of the government and became the largest minister in Jin. The other three ministers Zhao Xiangzi, Wei Huanzi and Han Kangzi did not dare to compete with him. Zhibo asked Wei Huanzi and Han Kangzi for land respectively. When he asked Zhao Xiangzi to cede land, he was severely rejected. Zhibo was very angry and immediately sent an order to Wei Huanzi and Han Kangzi, asking them to send troops to attack Zhao Xiangzi with him.
Zhao Xiangzi estimated that Zhibo would attack him, so he hurriedly consulted his adviser Zhang Meng. Zhang Mengtan suggested going to Jinyang (now southwest of Taiyuan, Shanxi) to resist. When he arrived in Jinyang, Zhao Xiangzi found that there were few weapons capable of fighting. Zhang Mengtan advised: "The walls here are made of hù wood more than ten feet high, and the palace pillars are made of copper. These are good materials for making weapons." Zhibo led Wei and Han The family attacked Jinyang, but because Wei and Han were unwilling to sacrifice their lives for Zhibo, Zhibo was unable to win.
Jinyang was flooded by Zhibo and besieged for three full years. Due to the accumulation of water on the ground, the people built shacks on trees to live in. The food in the city was almost exhausted, and many people were cold and hungry. As he became ill, his military morale began to waver. One day, Zhang Meng met Zhao Xiangzi and said: "Wei and Han are forced. I am going to explain their interests to them, mobilize them to fight against Zhao, and together we will destroy Zhibo." Zhao Xiangzi listened. I was very happy and expressed my gratitude again and again.
That night, Zhang Mengtan sneaked into the Wei and Han camps, convinced Wei Huanzi and Han Kangzi, and decided that the three families would unite to destroy Zhibo, and then divide the Zhibo's territory equally. On the appointed day, the three families of Zhao, Wei, and Han jointly attacked, killing Zhi's army and fleeing, and Zhi Bo was captured. From then on, the state of Jin became a situation where Zhao, Wei, and Han were at odds with each other.
One day, Zhang Mengtan said goodbye to Zhao Xiangzi. Zhao Xiangzi hurriedly persuaded him to stay. Zhang Mengtan said: "What you want is to repay me for my contribution, and what I want is to govern the country. It is precisely because my contribution is great and my reputation will even surpass yours, that I decided to leave. In history, kings and ministers have never had the same power." But if you always live in harmony, you will never forget the past. Please let me go." Zhao Xiangzi had no choice but to agree. Zhang Mengtan resigned from his official position, returned his fiefdom, and lived in seclusion in Fuqinqiu, where he spent his later years peacefully.
Later generations changed the idiom "Never forget the past, the teacher for the future" to "Never forget the past, the teacher for the future" to remind people to remember the lessons of the past for future generations. Learn from.
Besieging Wei and rescuing Zhao:
During the Warring States Period, Wei was always invaded by Qin. After King Anli of Wei came to the throne, Qin stepped up its attacks, and Wei suffered successive defeats. In the first year of King Anli, Qin attacked Wei, and Wei lost two towns; in the next year, Wei lost three more towns. Not only that, Qin's army also approached Wei's capital, and the situation was very critical. . South Korea sent troops to rescue them, but they were also defeated by the Qin army.
Wei had no choice but to cede the land to end the war; but in the third year, Qin launched another attack, seizing two towns in Wei and killing tens of thousands of people. In the fourth year, Qin defeated the armies of Wei, Han, and Zhao, killing 150,000 soldiers. Wei's general Mang Mao also disappeared.
The successive defeats of the Wei army made King Anli restless. At this time, Duan Ganzi, another general of the Wei army, was also very frightened. In order to maintain peace, he suggested to King Anli that he cede Nanyang to Qin and asked to stop the army and negotiate peace. King Anli was already attacking the Qin army. He was very scared and thought that by ceding the land, he could seek peace, so he did as Duan Qianzi said.
At that time, there was a man named Su Dai, the younger brother of Su Qin who always advocated "unity to resist Qin". He also strongly advocated that all the vassal states unite to resist Qin. After Su Dai learned about Wei's cession of territory for peace, he said to King Anli: "The invaders are greedy. You can't exchange territory and sovereignty for peace in this way. As long as your territory is still there, you will not be satisfied." The desire of the invaders. This is like holding firewood to put out a fire. How can the fire be extinguished if the firewood is thrown into the fire? The fire will not be extinguished until the firewood is burned out. "But King Anli will not." He was willing to listen to Su Dai's words, but still bent his knees to seek peace. After a few years of this, Wei was finally destroyed by Qin.