Hundred words proverbs are written by Emperor Taizong and Li Shimin to the ministers of the DPRK. In this way, I will advise the minister and remind myself. Love for the people, respect for labor, and cherishing things are beyond words, and the program of self-cultivation, family harmony, and governing the country is contained in it.
This essay of 100, which is similar to the vernacular, probably means to remind officials not to forget the true nature of labor and keep the style of hard struggle; At the same time, we should be cautious, cautious to our friends, and self-denial and incorruptibility. This passage seems to be an admonition from the king to teach his officials how to safeguard fame and fortune, but its content is actually a way to warn officials to cultivate self-discipline and self-denial.
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Related background:
During the reign of Li Shimin, the national strength of the Tang Dynasty was strong, which was called the rule of Zhenguan. In his later years, he wrote a book "Emperor Fan" to teach the prince, summed up his life's political experience and commented on his own merits and demerits. During his reign, he carried out the system of officers and men, the system of renting agents and the system of land equalization, and actively promoted the imperial examination system.
In 630, he defeated East Turkistan and was honored as "Tiankhan". In 64 1 year, Princess Wencheng was married to Songzan Gambu of Tubo. In 649 AD, Emperor Taizong suffered from dysentery, but the treatment eventually failed. He ordered Prince Li Zhi to represent state affairs in Jinyemen. Li Shimin died in Hanfeng Temple in Chang 'an in July 649. Buried in Zhaoling Mountain, more than 50 miles northeast of Liquan County, Shaanxi Province, China. Posthumous title is "Emperor Wen".
Emperor Taizong was good at listening to ministers' criticisms and opinions, and Kevin·Z directly protested his mistakes more than 200 times. Emperor Taizong was also good at calligraphy, writing tablets line by line, and was the originator of later generations. Famous works include Ming in Hot Springs and Ming in Jinci. After his death, Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, wrote Preface to Lanting Collection as a funerary object.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Hundred Words Proverbs