Ge Hong
or asking the way to climb mountains. Bao Puzi said, "Those who combine medicine for the Tao and live in seclusion to avoid chaos must go into the mountains. However, those who don't know how to enter the mountains will encounter more disasters. Therefore, there is a saying that under the brilliance, the bones are messy. They all say that they are partial to knowing one thing, and they can't be prepared. Although they have the will to survive, they will fight against death. No matter how big or small the mountain is, there are gods. The mountain is big and the mountain is small. If you go into the mountains without skills, you will suffer. Or stabbed by illness and injury, and frightened; Or see light and shadow, or smell strange sounds; Or make the big wood NO FENG フウカ and destroy itself, and the rock will fall for no reason, hitting evil people; Or confusing and crazy, falling into the pit valley; Or prisoners who are poisoned by tigers and wolves, don't go into the mountains lightly. When it comes to March and September, this is the month when the mountains open, and when it is a good month. If it takes a long time, you can't wait for this month, but you can choose the day and time. When mortals enter the mountains, they should first fast for seven days, without being defiled, and take the mountain-ascending symbol out of the door to make three or five methods for the whole body. There are also five mountains that are suffering from disasters, such as the land of Kyushu, which is even more prosperous and prosperous. If they are subjected to flying symbols, their rulers can't do anything. According to the list of Zhou Gongcheng, the world is divided, and the disaster is inevitable, so is the residence and the mountains. It is also taboo not to enter Dongyue in February of the first month; Not at the age of Bingding, he entered Nanyue in April and May; Not at the age of Geng Xin Shen You, he entered Xiyue in July and August; Not at the age of 54, the month of the four seasons enters Zhongyue; Not at the age of Rengui Haizi, I entered Beiyue in October and November. You don't need to go to Mount Huoshan, Mount Hengshan and Mount Song in Taihua, but you should avoid this age, and all aspects of its yue are forbidden. He is also an old man of all things, who knows well that he can pretend to be human, try people often to dazzle people, but he can't change his true shape and ears in the mirror. Therefore, the Taoist priests who entered the mountains in ancient times have been on the mirror with a diameter of nine inches, hanging behind their backs, so the old charm dare not approach. Or those who come to try people, look in the mirror, they are immortals and good gods in the mountains, and look in the mirror like human beings. If birds and beasts are evil spirits, their shapes are all seen in the mirror. If an old charm comes, it must go, and it can be turned into a mirror to look at it, and then it will be seen. If it is an old charm, it will have no heel, and if it has a heel, it will be a mountain god. Yesterday, Zhang Gai-ta and even Gao Cheng were meditating in the stone room of Yuntai Mountain in Shu. Suddenly, a man wore yellow clothes and practiced a ge towel. He went to the front and said, "Thanks to the Taoist priest, it's hard to live in seclusion!" So they looked in the mirror, but it was a deer. Because he asked, you are an old deer in the mountains, how dare you cheat into a human form? When the words are not finished, the people who come will become deer and walk away. There is a pavilion at the foot of Linlv Mountain, where there are ghosts. Every night, there are dozens of people, either dead or sick, dressed in yellow or white or black, or male or female. After Zhi Boyi spent the night, he sat chanting with a candle burning. In the middle of the night, more than ten people came to sit with Boyi. Since * * *, Boyi looked at it in the mirror, but it was a group of dogs. Boyi is holding a candle, pretending to burn Ruo's clothes with a candle by mistake, which makes him angry. Boyi was pregnant with a knife and stabbed him for catching a person. At first, he was called a man, and when he died, he became a dog. When the rest of the dogs learned to leave, they died, which was the power of the mirror. When the staff sergeant entered the mountain, he called the mountain gods with the text of san huang and the true map of the Five Mountains, and according to the ghost records, he called the state society and the commandant of Shanqing House to ask him, so he was strange in wood and stone, and he dared not try people. Secondly, seventy-two fine town symbols were set up to make the chapter of all evils, and Zhu Guan sealed the square where he lived, and all evils dared not go near it. Secondly, if you hold the festival of eight powers and admire Lao Tzu's jade policy, then the mountain god can make it, so how dare you do harm? I heard what Zheng Jun said, but I can't really know it. Yu Shi often tells his disciples, "Madam, it's wrong to seek the Tao, like worrying about the poverty of the family, like worrying about the inferiority of the position." However, if you are ill-intentioned, you will forget the distance, and if you smell it, you will be happy. If you are stubborn, you will suddenly be left behind, and the benefits of Qiushan will not be solid, and the loss of Qiushan will be endless, and you will be so poor that you will be so delicate that you will be extremely admired. "
Bao Puzi said, "The no-no for going into the mountains is in the afternoon of the first month, in February, in March, in April, at the end of May, at the end of June, in July, in August, in September, in October, in November, and in December. Enter the mountain for a good day: Jiazi, Jiayin, Yihai, Yisi, Yimao, Bingxu, Bingwu and Bingchen, all of which have gone to heaven. " Bao Puzi said: "According to the nine-day secret record and Taiyi's escape from the armor cloud, enter the mountains and avoid the big moon: the third, eleventh, fifteenth, eighteenth, twenty-fourth, twenty-sixth and thirtieth days; Abortion taboo: 1 ST, 5 th, 13 th, 16 th, 26 th and 28 th. If you enter the mountain on this day, you will be tried by the mountain gods. I can't ask for it, but I can't do it. Not only Taoist priests, but also mortals entered the mountains on this day, and they were all fierce and met with tigers, wolves and poisonous insects. "
Bao Puzi said, "The situation of heaven and earth, the good or bad of Yin and Yang, is too vague to be detailed, so I don't have to call it something, and I dare not guarantee it. However, the Emperor Taigong of the Yellow Emperor believed in the war, and the modern master Yan Junping and Sima Qian all used it, while the classics had the days of being firm and soft in the Ming Dynasty. Gu Yan said, it's a lucky day. There is a reason to come. The king set up the official of Taishi, worshipped and set up, and had something to do with the ancestral temple and worshipped heaven and earth in the suburbs, all of which chose a good time; It's foolish to be a mediocre man, to be free from vulgarity, and to be ashamed of picking good days. Every time you enter the mountain today, you must not pay it on a good day, and you must have your own experience. You must not enter it lightly. According to the jade bell, if you want to enter the famous mountain, you must know the secret of evading armor, and don't let people say it. Lingbao goes through the clouds and goes into the mountains to protect Japan and righteousness. If those who specialize in Japan are lucky, they will die if they attack Japan. I have little ambition to go into the mountains, so this is a book of learning to escape armor. There are more than 6 volumes, so it is impossible to be precise. Therefore, the banknotes are collected and thought to be in the bag, but they are not passed on by pen. In this paper, it is said that those who want to do good things want to go into the mountains, and those who visit and seek knowledge will eventually be in the world. In the armor, I said, I want to seek the Tao, and when I am in the sky, I will smash the ghosts and give me a book; Those who want to make evil tigers, wolves, poisonous insects thieves and dare not get close to them. Out of heaven, into the earth. Where six decyl is hidden in heaven, six oneself are earthly households. It is also said that avoiding troubled times and disappearing into famous mountains will make the patients worry-free. At the time of Ding Mao's day and Yin De's name, a heavenly heart can be hidden. The so-called day is sinking, the sun and the moon are dull, and people and ghosts can't see it. It is also said that those who seek the immortal way to enter the famous mountains, when the day of six decyl, a fair weather day, will have to spend the world. He also said, when you go to the forest, you should take the green dragon and grass with your left hand, fold it under the stars, enter the Moon Hall through the calendar, and walk in steps. Three wishes say, Nuogao Dayin, the general hears it alone, and the great-grandson Wang Jia, don't go away; Those who make people see armour think that they are paid; He who doesn't see armour thinks he is inhuman. Then fold the grass you hold and put it on the ground. Take soil from the nose with your left hand, cover yourself with grass with your right hand, walk forward with your left hand, and live under the six guis. People and ghosts can't see it. Where Liujia is a dragon, Liuyi is a star, Liuc is a hall of fame, and Liuding is also in the shade. ⅴ ⅵ compared to ji ji hexagrams, the first day and the second day are not counted as nine, but the cause is still seven feet. Clouds, one foot and two feet, look at nine traces. You Yu's footwork: standing upright, right foot in front, left foot in back, second before right foot, and combining left foot from right foot, which is a step. It is a two-step process to combine the right foot with the left foot. It is a three-step process to restore the front right foot and merge the left foot from the right foot. In this way, the way of Yu step is finished. Anyone who knows all the tricks in the world should know the steps, not only this. "
Bao Puzi said, "Lingbao Jing says that the so-called treasure of the sun means the day when the branch is born, and if it is used, the day after Jiawu is also the same. A person, wood also. In the afternoon, the fire is also. B is also a wood, and it is also a fire. Fire is born in wood. Also known as the righteous day, the day when the branch is born is also, if the day when it is applied for is also. If you don't, you will have water. The applicant, Jin Ye. If you are a loser, water is also available. Unitary, gold also, aquatic in gold. The so-called Japanese-makers, the day when they support the work, also. If the day of Wuzi's own death is also. E, soil also. Son, water also. Self is also soil, sea is also water, the meaning of the five elements, soil is also water. The so-called Japanese invaders, the day when they support the work, is also the day when Jia Shen is righteous. A person, wood also. The applicant, Jin Ye. B is also wood, unitary is also gold, so is Jin Kemu. He imitates this, draws on it, and knows it. "
Bao Puzi said, "When you enter the famous mountain, you will be expelled from the day with Jiazi, and you will be hung on a big stone with five colors, and you will get what you ask for. Again, when you enter the mountain, you should know the secret wishes of Liujia. I wish that all those who are facing the battle will March forward in array. Every nine words, often when the secret wish, everything. The main road is not annoying, which is also called. "
Bao Puzi said, "The essence of the mountain is like that of a child. When you go, you are happy to come to the prison. When people enter the mountains, if they hear loud voices at night, they are called cockroaches, and when they know it, they dare not commit crimes. A person who is enthusiastic can also be called at the same time. There are also mountain spirits, such as red drums and one foot, which are called Hui. Or, like a man, he is nine feet long and dressed in Dai Li, named Jin Lei. Or like a dragon with five colors and red horns, it is called Feifei. When you see it, you call it by name, that is, you dare not do harm. "
Bao Puzi said, "There are big trees in the mountains, and those who can speak can't speak without trees. Their precise name is Yunyang, and it is auspicious to call them. Don't be surprised that those who see the fire in the mountains at night are all made of dead wood for a long time. He who sees the conference semifinals at night in the mountains is the essence of copper and iron. Those who see Qin are the essence of a hundred-year-old wood. Don't blame it, it can't do harm. Those who see officials at leisure in the mountains and rivers are called Si Yi, and their names are auspicious. Those who see a big snake wearing a crown in the mountains are called Shengqing, and they call it auspicious. If you see officials in the mountains, if you can't see the sound, you will call people, and if you throw them with white stones, you will rest; One method is to use reed as a spear to stab it. In the mountains, ghosts call people, and those who beg for food will die if they throw them at imperata. Ghosts in the mountains often confuse those who lose their way, and throw them with reed sticks to die. In the mountains, there are people who call themselves officials, and tigers. He who is called the king of the road is also a wolf. Call your elders, old raccoons also. A rabbit is also called a father-in-law. He who calls the father of the East King is also an elk. The queen mother of the west is also a deer. Those who call themselves rain masters in the morning and the evening are dragons. Hebo is also a fish. He who is called a heartless son is also a crab. Those who call me a widow in the past are also snakes in the society. He who calls himself a monarch is a turtle. At noon, it is said that the horse is also a horse. Those who call themselves immortals are old trees. He who calls his master before the day is also a sheep. He who calls himself an official is also an official. A monkey is also a person who calls himself a monarch. Those who are called Jiuqing are apes. He who is called a general every day is an old chicken. He who catches thieves is a pheasant. Dogs are also those who call people by their surnames every day. A fox is also called a Yang Gong. A pig is also a god who is called a monarch in the sea. Those who call women, Jin Yu also. He who calls himself a social monarch in his son's day is also a mouse. He who is called a God-man is also a Fuyi. The ugly day is called a scholar, and the cow is also. But if you know its name, you can't do harm. "
or ask the way to live in seclusion in Yamazawa. Bao Puzi said, "In the past, there were many snakes in the round hills, and good medicine was produced. The Yellow Emperor was going to climb the hill, and all the snakes went. Today, the military capital is realgar, and the color is like a cockscomb. If you enter the forest and grass, you are not afraid of snakes. If a snake is a human being, it will heal with a little realgar at the end of it. Although there are many kinds of snakes, only the Agkistrodon halys and the Green Golden Snake are human-made, and if they are not cured, they will kill people in one day. People don't know the recipe for cure, but for this reason, the two snakes cut the sore meat with a knife to throw it to the ground, and its meat boiled like fire, and it burned out in a moment, while people lived. When the snake was poisonous in July and August, it was not allowed to bite people, but its poison did not leak. Instead, it bit Dazhu and Xiao Mu with its teeth, and they all withered. It's not a trivial matter for Taoist priests to enter the mountains today, but they know generosity and don't know the way to open up. Before entering the mountain, when you stop at home, learn the forbidden method first, thinking about the sun, the moon, the suzaku Xuanwu Qinglong White Tiger, in order to defend its body, but walking into the forest vegetation, taking three mouths on the left to close it, blowing the mountain grass, which means that this red color is like a cloud, and it is full of dozens of miles. If there are followers, not many of them will be listed and blown. Although snakes are practiced, they dare not move, and they rarely meet snakes. If you see a snake, you can close it by taking three strokes to the left of the sun, closing it with your tongue, twisting it with your hands, and closing the Tianmen, plugging the land, and drawing the land as a prison to hold it, which can also play tricks on you. Although around the head and neck, I dare not bite. If you don't lift the ban, spit it out and blow it, and you will never be released from prison again. If someone is bitten by a snake, take three mouthfuls from the left to blow it, and the pain will stop. If you are more than ten miles away, you can also call him by his surname. The man wishes me his left hand and the woman wishes me his right hand, and the more he becomes. Mr. Jie's method is to live in the mountains and think of it as a five-color snake, but to stab it with green bamboo and small wooden boards, and to linger on the left, to think of it as thousands of boards of Wu Gong, to dress its body, but to go, it will not meet snakes in the end. It is also effective to put dried ginger and aconite on the elbow, burn the antlers of cattle and sheep, take Wangfangping Xionghuang pills, or put the dirt in pig's ears and musk pills in the toenails. Musk deer and wild boar are both snakes, so they are disgusted. There are also clouds, birds and turtles, and they are also snakes. Therefore, when southerners enter the mountains, they all take the tail of a turtle, and the beak of the cloud and the sun is used to snake. People in the snake, scraping these two things to coat their sores, also cried the more also. Cloudy day, the nickname of the ostrich is also. When southerners enter the mountains, they all hold live centipedes in bamboo tubes. When centipedes know that there are snakes, they move in the tubes. If you look at the grass in detail, you will see snakes. If the serpent comes out of a circle, the centipede will see it, but if it can be banned, the serpent will die. When the snake saw the centipede between the cliffs, the serpent fled into the deep bottom of the river valley, but its centipede was forbidden to float on the water. When people saw something as green as a wan, they went straight into the water to the snake, and the snake floated out and died in a moment. Therefore, southerners have cured snake sores with centipedes, and they have all recovered. "
Or ask, "There are many evils in the leisure in the valley of the south of the Yangtze River. Is there a proper way to manage it?" Bao Puzi replied, "Zhongzhou Plateau is rustic and peaceful, and it is famous in China, so there is no such generation. Today, in the wilderness of Wu Chu, the summer heat is humid and steaming. Although it is equal to Huo Zhengyue, it is still poisonous. There are also short foxes, a stork, an archer and a projectionist. In fact, water insects are also like singing storks and three cups, with wings that can fly, without eyes and ears, and crossbows with horizontal objects in their mouths. If you smell human voices, things in your mouth are like crossbows, and you take gas as the vector, you will shoot people because of water, and those who are in the middle will get sores and get hurt. His illness is like typhoid fever, and he will die within ten days. There are sand lice, both on land and water. After the new rain and before dawn and dusk, people will be caught in the trekking, but when the grass is dry in the hot sun, the ears are sparse. It is as big as the end of a hair. When it first touches a person, it enters its skin. It is like a thorn. If it hurts a little, you can pick it with a needle. It is as red as Dan, and you can act on your claws. If you don't pick it, the worm will drill to the bone and walk into the body, which is similar to the shooter, and both are evil. There is a place where this insect lives, and every time you live, you need to burn it all over your body, then this insect will fall to the ground. If you bring Bawu Musk Pill, Dushi Pill, Huming Pill, Yuhu Pill, Rhinoceros Horn Pill, Qixing Pill and Eleocharis, you will find sand lice and short foxes. If you can't get these medicines, you can bring raw musk. It is also good to pound realgar garlic and bring a pill as big as a chicken egg. If you have been in the middle, you can apply this medicine to heal the sore. Father's mouth is red with amaranth juice, and the more he drinks it, the more he paints it. Five eggplant roots and hanging hook grass vines, these three things can be in separate rows, you can pound one or two liters of juice. Also, the shooting workers are trapped in the valley in winter, and they are caught in the heavy snow. Where this insect is, its snow is not accumulated, and its gas is like burning and steaming. When it is dug, it will be harvested only one foot into the ground, and it will be taken at the end of the shade. In summer, it will be self-excavated. If the Taoist priests know that one side is forbidden, and the cave is forbidden, and those who are forbidden and true are always kept, then all poisons dare not approach it, and they will use various medicines. "
Or ask, "Taoist priests live in the mountains, perch on rocks and shelter themselves, so there is no need to have the warmth of licking, which makes me not afraid of rheumatism. Dare I ask about their skills?" Bao Puzi said, "Golden Cake Powder, Sanyang Liquid, Changxin Pill, Huncao Naidong Decoction, Duyao Ointment, Yinyu Xuanhua Powder and Qiudihuang Blood Pill are all taken for 5 days, and they can be fearless of rheumatism for 1 years. If you take the elixir of medicine, although you don't lift it lightly, you won't get sick, although you lie wet in the wind. Can't hurt. Take these seven medicines, all of which are called the ears of beginners. But Mr. Yao took Sanyang liquid, and he lay flat on the ice, shivering. Both Mr. Jie and Mr. Liang lie on a stone, and when it is cold in autumn and winter, they have tried and tested the secret method. "
or ask the way to cross the river to make a snake dragon. Bao Puzi said, "Taoist priests who have no choice but to swim in the great rivers should first swim in the water, break a chicken egg, mix a little powder with fragrant powder, and wash themselves in the water, so as not to be afraid of the storm and dragons." He also wore the East China Sea children's charm, the water-making charm and Penglai Za, but all of them were harmful in the water. There are also six golden symbols and five wooden bans. In addition, Linchuan first wished, "Roll up and roll up, Hebo will lead the way to build a dragon, and all disasters will wipe out the sky and clear the sky." In addition, Jin Jian recorded the cloud, and on the third day of May, five stones were smashed and their copper was dropped. Five stones, realgar, Dan