The emperor in the palace played music to worship heaven and earth, which was peaceful and peaceful. The social atmosphere is good, people are friendly and harmonious. There has been no serious disaster for more than one hundred years. The country is rich and the people are strong, and politics is clear. 1, write about the economic prosperity of the Tang Dynasty from these aspects: such as lyrical description of scenery, narrative, big state affairs, small rural life, there are corresponding poems. 2. Many famous writers wrote about the economic prosperity in the Tang Dynasty, such as Li Bai, Bai Juyi, Li Shangyin, Du Fu, Li He and Wang Wei.
In the Tang Dynasty, all poems were included from the palace life to the people's life, which was 100 times richer than the previous generation, more mature and complete meter, realism and romanticism coexisted, and two styles of poetry were formed. It was the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, with developed economy and leading culture in the world at that time. It can be said that in such a golden age of poetry, economy has been fully reflected in Tang poetry.
With the economic prosperity in the Tang Dynasty, poetry has been vividly reflected in social architecture, agriculture, politics, handicrafts, transportation, public security, social labor distribution, social culture, social atmosphere and natural meteorology. Du Fu's poem "Memories of Time Past" can reflect the prosperous times at that time. There are no desolate poems in Tang poetry, and the poems written by Li Bai and other poets are basically optimistic, so the comprehensive analysis confirms the conclusion of the topic.