When the Northern Army saw Tiger Prison Horse, the first one was a handsome young general, wearing a green towel and a green shirt and holding a pear flower. He rode a white curly horse with his head held high. The banner clearly reads, "Ma Quanyu, Xianfeng County, Pingnan, Zhongxing." At that time, Qing Ye followed tian hu, read the banner and told tian hu. Tian hu sent someone to teach county horses to rescue drivers.
The whole county horse came near, dismounted and knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, I deserve to die, because my armor is in my body." Tian hu said, "Your pardon is innocent." The whole county horse went on to say, "This matter is critical. I was invited to Xiangyuan City to avoid the enemy. When the princess and I kill Song Bing, please come to Weisheng University to discuss good strategies and restore the inheritance. "
Tian hu exultation, ordered the monkey, namely hope item to yuan. The whole county is behind, resisting the pursuers. Tian hu and others have reached the door of Xiangyuan, shouting behind their backs to kill the sky and pursue the future. When the soldiers guarding the city in xiang yuan saw it, they quickly opened the gate and put the suspension bridge away. Hu Ying led the troops in front. When the sergeant heard them coming from behind, he rushed into the city, regardless of the king.
As soon as Hu Ying entered the city gate, he heard a bang and ambushed on both sides, driving Hu Ying and more than 3,000 people out of into the pit. The sergeant threw them around, leaving only three thousand people. The whole city shouted "tian hu wants to live!" When the fox saw the change of the city that day, he knew it was a plan. He quickly controlled the speed and looked north.
Tian hu got off the horse and suddenly he jumped up and screamed. Tian hu fell to the ground and was caught by ZQQ and Qing Ye. He jumped off the horse and caught him with the sergeant. Tang Chang led the people to the rescue. ZQQ saw that Tang Chang was robbed, so he quickly got on the horse, threw a stone at him, hit Tang Chang alongside of.seem, and dismounted. Zhang Qing shouted: "I am not Quan Yu, but Zhang Qing, Song Xianfeng's subordinate in China. He has no arrow."
At that time, Li Kui jy and Song Wu, together with 500 infantry, robbed their city. With a loud noise, they killed more than 2000 people, including General Dian Shuai and Captain Jin Wu. ZQQ assassinated Tang Chang, bound tian hu, swarmed into the city and closed the gate. Only when Song Xianfeng killed the retreating soldiers could he be free. But after talking about it, he saw that he had entered the city, and Lu and others went to the west of Tongshan. At this point, it is unitary.
Joan Ying and others learned that tian hu and our soldiers were killing each other, and Joan Ying led his troops to the gate of Weisheng at night. It's evening, it's dusk and the new moon is white. Joan ying shouted at the gate: "I am a princess, protect the king here, open the door quickly!" " At present, soldiers guarding the city fly to the palace.
Tianbao and Tian Biao got on their horses and left for Cheng Nan. They are busy watching on the rostrum. When they saw the carved saddle under the ochre yellow umbrella, the horse was sitting on a silver horse. In front of the horse was a female general, the king, and the princess Joan Ying with a big book hung on the flag, followed by officials such as governors of ministers. I saw Qiong Ying shouting loudly, "Governor Hu and Song Bing have been defeated, and I am here to protect your Majesty. Teach officials to go out of the city and pick up the car! "
Seeing that it was tian hu, Tianbao and others opened the gate and greeted them. When they got on their horses, they heard the king immediately shout, "The samurai and I have caught two thieves." The sergeant rushed forward and caught them.
The gatekeeper went forward to kill the enemy and was hit by Qiong Ying's flying stone, injuring six or seven people. The good news helped Qiong Ying kill him. Outside the city, Duan urged the sergeant to unload the dress of the North Army, all of which were uniforms of the South Army. They rushed into the city together and took the south gate. Duan lived quite well, led him to the city, killed the sergeant and raised the banner of Song Jun.
Now, Song Bing is in Weisheng City, and the bodies he killed are everywhere, and the ditches are full of blood. Lu Junyi ordered not to kill, and hurriedly sent someone to Song Xianfeng to report the good news. That night, Song Bing went straight to rest in the fifth watch, and many soldiers would surrender.