People who won the Nobel Prize for Literature during the World Wars

World War I: (1914-1918)

No awards were awarded in 1914

1915 Romain Rolland (1866-1944) French writer and music critic . "Johan-Christophe" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "The high ideals in literary works and the sympathy and love for truth with which he depicts various types of characters"

1916 Werner Heitenstein (1859-1940 ) Swedish poet and novelist. "The Age of Pilgrimage" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "In recognition of his important representative position in the new era of Swedish literature"

1917 Karl Jellerup, Danish writer. "The Murder at the Mill" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "For his diverse and rich poems - which contain high ideals"

Henrik Pontoppidan, Danish novelist. "Kingdom of Heaven" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "For his faithful depiction of current Danish life"

No award was awarded in 1918.

World War II: (I personally start in 1931, but many people start in 1937.)

In 1931, Eric Axel Karlfeld ( 1864~1931) Swedish poet. "The Wasteland and Love" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "Because no one has ever doubted the artistic value of his poems"

1932 John Galsworthy (1867-1933) British novelist and playwright. "The Property Owners" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reasons for the award: "For the outstanding art of its description - an art that reaches its peak in The Forsyte Family"

1933 Ivan Alexevich Bunin (1870~ 1953) Russian writer. "Mija's Love" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "Because of his rigorous artistic talent, the Russian classical tradition has been inherited in prose"

1934 Luigi Pirandello (1867-1936) Italian speaker and dramatist. "Searching for Myself" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "He courageously and deftly revived the art of drama and stage art"

No award was awarded in 1935.

1936 Eugene O'Neill (1888~1953) American playwright. "The End of the World" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reasons for the award: "For the power, enthusiasm and depth of emotion expressed in his plays - which are fully consistent with the original concept of tragedy"

1937 Roger Martin du Gard (1881 ~ 1958 ) French novelist. "Tibor - Home" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "For the artistic charm and authenticity shown in his novel "The Thibaults". This is a basic reflection of the face of human life."

1938 Pearl Buck (Pearl) Seidenstrike Booker (female) (1892-1973) American writer. "The Good Earth" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for the award: "Her rich and truly epic description of Chinese peasant life, as well as her autobiographical masterpiece"

1939 Frans Emil Silampa (1888-1964) Finland writer. "Girl Celia" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for award: "For the profound understanding and artistic delicacy with which he depicts two things that influence each other - the nature of his country and the life of its peasants"

1940-1943 No awards were given.

1944 Johannes Wilhelm Janssen (1873-1950) Danish novelist and poet. "The Long Journey" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reason for the award: "For the rich and powerful poetic imagination in his books, which combines a broad-minded intellectual curiosity with a bold and fresh creative style"

Leela Mistral (female) in 1945 (1889~1957) Chilean poet. "Tenderness" won the Nobel Prize for Literature. Reasons for the award: "Her lyric poems born of strong emotions have made her name a symbol of the ideals that the entire Latin American world desires."

Hope this helps you.